Student Life Student Leader Application 2024-2025

Anticipated Hours of Enrollment:
Are you employed on campus now or are you intending to work elsewhere on campus during the 2024-2025 Academic Year?

Which Organizations would you like to apply with? (Click no more than 4)

If you have questions about specific organizations, please visit the Center for Student Involvement's website through the link below:

Please upload your resume (Please have it be in PDF or DOC format only)


The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) prohibits the release of personally identifiable information from the education records of university students without the written consent of the student. Exceptions to the requirement include but are not limited to a) release of such information to a school official with a legitimate educational interest in the record, b) the release of such information in response to a court order, health or safety emergency, or approved research project, or c) the release of public directory information which has not been previously restricted b y the student. For further information about FERPA, please see the University of Houston Student Handbook. I hereby consent to and authorize the release of my enrollment status and grade point averages (cumulative and previous semesters) by the University of Houston to the fee funded organizations advisors and executive leaders. The purpose of this disclosure is to verify eligibility for holding a position within a fee funded organization, verify eligibility to be compensated if hired for a compensated position, verify awards recognition by the University of Houston, and for use in scholastic review by the advisors. This authorization shall remain in effect as long as I remain a member of a fee funded organization and am enrolled at the University of Houston, unless I submit written revocation of this authorization to the Center for Student Involvement or the Center for Student Media.
